Shipton Bellinger Primary School



Academic year 2024-2025 with agreement of the Local Authority, our current Years 3, 4 and 5 have an Admission Limit of 22.
Starting school for the first time
The decision as to which school your child should attend is one of the most important you can make.  We are delighted that you're considering making an application for a place at Shipton Bellinger Primary School.  
Making an application
We admit children into our reception class (Year R) in the September after their fourth birthday.  We use the Local Authority (LA) admissions scheme.  Although we are a Hampshire school, we are open to all children, regardless of county of residence. The application process varies depending on where you live.
Hampshire resident (paying Hampshire council tax)
If you wish to apply for a Reception class place (Year R) and live in Hampshire, you can either apply online via the Hampshire County Council website or complete an application form from our school office.  
Wiltshire resident (paying Wiltshire council tax)
If you live in Wiltshire, you must apply for a reception class place (Year R) at our school via the Wiltshire County Council website.  Even if you know that you are in the school catchment area, and/or have a sibling at our school. 
In-year applications
Should you require a place for a different year group (or for Year R but after the closing date for applications) you need to complete an In-year application form.  Guidance notes for In-year applications can be found on the Hampshire County Council website using the above link.
The governors set class size limits of 30 for Year R, 1, 2 & 6. For the Academic year 2024-2025 with agreement of the Local Authority, our current Years 3, 4 and 5 have an Admission Limit of 22.

Once this limit has been reached, no new children will be admitted into a class until a space becomes available.  The school operates a waiting list which strictly follows the criteria set out in the Admissions Policy.
We very much welcome prospective families who would like to visit the school.  Please contact the school office to make an appointment.