Shipton Bellinger Primary School

Safeguarding Curriculum


Safeguarding is at the heart of everything we do here at Shipton Bellinger. We understand that our responsibility for keeping children safe also incorporates giving them the skills and knowledge to stay safe throughout their lives.

Our PSHE curriculum addresses all aspects of the safeguarding. However, some aspects of safeguarding are prioritised in age appropriate year groups. Through carefully considered discussion, we have developed an open and safe learning environment in which pupils express their views, seek help, and help others. Throughout our taught curriculum we purposefully plan opportunities for children to learn about safeguarding. We constantly challenge children to think deeply about safeguarding matters and their own personal physical and mental wellbeing. This takes place through strategically planned assemblies, class circle times, small groups and 1:1 work.

Where there is need for immediate 1:1 or small group support, our trained ELSA and Thrive practitioners are immediately available to support children in understanding, accepting and managing their experiences, feelings and needs.



There are many opportunities throughout our learning in school to explore safeguarding issues:

  • Our school values of collaboration and respect underpin our behaviour policy. Staff and pupils respect and understand difference. We promote all forms of equality and foster greater understanding of and respect for people of all faiths (and those with no faith), races, genders, ages, disabilities, and sexual orientations, through our words, actions and in their influence. 
  • Our golden threads of diversity and community ensure that our curriculum is designed provide pupils with a comprehensive understanding of people and communities beyond their immediate experience.
  • Esafety targetted PSHE curriculum (Y3-Y6)
  • Water safety through swimming lessons (Y5)
  • Stranger danger incorporated through external visitors, trips and experiences.
  • Online safety lessons with our local PCSO team (Y5 and Y6)
  • Safe use of technology - including passwords and electricity safety. (KS2)
  • Balanced diets, healthy bodies and keeping safe (YR-Y6)
  • Targetted well-being activities, including forest school.
  • Carefully chosen texts as part of our rich texts list.
  • Road safety through Balanceability (Y1) and Bikeability (YR)
  • Fire awareness with the fire department (Y1 and Y5)
  • Close liaison with health care providers who visit the school.
  • Junior road safety officer program in place (Y6)