Year 1 - Hedgehog Class
Class Teacher - Miss T Budd
Learning Support Assistants - Mrs Shipley, Mrs Lewis and Mrs Martin
Key Information
Welcome to our Year 1 home page. Keep checking in throughout the term as there will be weekly updates, reminders and lots of information about the wonderful learning happening in Hedgehog Class.
A typical day in Year 1 includes a phonic session using the Little Wandle Scheme and a separate reading session. In our reading, we work with an adult to develop three main components of reading - Decoding, Prosody and Comprehension. Sometimes we will work independently and have opportunity to read our phonics book or our library text.
We use high quality texts to enrich our English curriculum and awaken our imaginations. As part of our writing journeys we explore different forms including letters, diaries, poems and non-fiction texts. We practice structuring sentences using conjunctions while adding detail to nouns with adjectives.
During the afternoon, we focus on our wider curriculum learning. This includes History, Geography, Art, Science, PE, DT and much more. Head over to our curriculum page for more information on our wider curriculum learning.
Reading in Year 1
At the start of term, your child will bring home a Big Cat reading book that is matched to their current phonics level. These books will be changed in school once a week as it is vital for them to be able to build fluency with a familiar text. Your child will also be able to choose a reading for pleasure book to enjoy - either from our class library, whole school reference library or from home. Please let us know if your child brings home a book they have already read - we will change it during our next library session.
For more detail about early reading at Shipton Bellinger, please click here for a copy of our parent information letter.
If you would like more information about phonics and reading in general, please click here to access our English curriculum page.
Curriculum Overviews for Year 1
Hedgehog Class Spring 1 Fabulous Farming Overview
Curriculum Overview Spring 2 Hedgehog Class Weekly Steps
Hedgehog Class Spring 2 Science Knowledge Organiser
Hedgehog Class Spring 2 Geography Knowledge Organiser
Hedgehog Class Spring 2 Art Knowledge Organiser
Hedgehog Class Spring 2 Computing Knowledge Organiser
Hedgehog Class Spring 1 Kenya Overview
Curriculum Overview Spring 1 Hedgehog Class Weekly Steps
Hedgehog Class Spring 1 Science Knowledge Organiser
Hedgehog Class Spring 1 Art Knowledge Organiser
How can I help at home?
Reading is very important. At this stage in their learning journey, little and often is key. The children are matched to the correct phonics book which is right for them and a Library book that they chose. Practicing their sounds on a regular basis with a familiar text will support them to build the foundations in which to become a life long reader.
Here are some useful websites: