Shipton Bellinger Primary School


 Religious Education is a statutory part of the curriculum but not part of the National Curriculum. RE makes a unique contribution to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural developments of children and supports wider community cohesion.

Shipton Bellinger Primary School teachers follow the current Hampshire Agreed Syllabus ‘Living Difference IV’ (2021) and meet the recommended minimum time allocation of 36 hours of Religious Education in Key Stage 1 and 45 hours in Key Stage 2 per year.  The process of teaching and learning for each unit is planned using the cycle of learning. The content of the curriculum at each key stage is addressed in the breadth of study.

It allows children to appreciate the diversity in religions and beliefs in the world and participate in dialogue about these in their society. The RE curriculum design is broken up into concepts which is based on previous learning and developed through the year groups.

As part of thinking about community, children begin to consider and develop their own ideas about how they make sense of their lives and the world in which they live, they develop as citizens of the world. We also have strong links with our local church, where the children regularly visit and participate in key Christian celebrations such as Harvest, Christmas and Easter. 


At Shipton Bellinger, the children show their responses to the concepts into which they enquire in varied an interesting ways, including through: writing, art, construction, cooking, music, ritual and drama.


Information about our RE Curriculum

           Our 2023-2024 3Is for RE                            RE Progression Document



RE at Shipton Bellinger


Reverend Sarah came to visit our classroom to tell us all about Harvest! She shared that we grow lots of different crops to eat them and we thought about our favourite breads and plants to eat. After that, we learnt about how Reverend Sarah believes that God wants us all to be grateful for all the wonderful things we have. We have been practicing ready for our Harvest festival and now we know that it is to say thank you for all our amazing food.

We couldn't resist telling Reverend Sarah about our favourite times we've been to a church and reminding her that we saw her at our own special church in the village last Easter.

Thank you for coming Reverend Sarah!

Interfaith Week 2024

This year to celebrate and take part in Interfaith Week, each year group took a celebration or festival to be a main focus. Through the learning, children were able to appreciate the similarities and respect the ideas and belief of others. During a whole school assembly we looked at how British Values are important when thinking about interfaith. At the end of the week, we all came together and shared our learning with each other.