Year 6 - Lion Class
Teacher - Mrs E Webber
Learning Support Assistant - Mrs G Gregory, Mrs Griffiths and Mrs Fotofili
Key Information
Welcome to the Pride! We started the year thinking about how we are all an integral part of our class and proudly display our pride as part of our class charter.
Each day, we have dedicated time for reading, writing and maths. During our maths sessions we work on a range of concepts including arithmetic. Throughout the year we develop and refine our formal methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division while using reasoning skills to solve more complex problems.
We write for different purposes including diary entries, explanations, persuasive letters, balanced argument and narratives. Throughout the year, we use a wide range of texts and invite children to link their understanding with texts from across their Key Stage 2 journey. We also use poetry and heritage texts to broaden pupil's literary experiences
During our wider curriculum we explore ancient civilisations and global habitats. We also use our afternoons to complete our Computing, Science, History, Geography, Art and much more!
Curriculum Overviews Year 6
Lion class The Flood Overview Spring 2
Curriculum Overview Spring 2 Lion Class Weekly Steps
Lion Class Knowledge Organiser Art - Andy Warhol Spring 2
Lion Class Knowledge Organiser Geography Rivers Spring 2
Lion Class Knowledge Organiser RE Salvation Spring 2
Lion Class Magic and Mystery Overview
Curriculum Overview Spring 1 Lion Class Weekly Steps
Lion Class Knowledge Organiser Art Spring 1
How can I help at home?
Please continue to read regularly at home with your child.
Here are some useful websites: