Shipton Bellinger Primary School

Year 4/5 - Owl Class

Teacher - Mrs Warland and Mrs Tomlinson

Learning Support Assistants - Mrs S Marshall and Mrs Atkinson

Key Information

Welcome to the Owl Class page. Just like Foxes, we are a mixed age year group and tailor our curriculum to meet the needs of both year groups.

Your child will have a reading book from our school reading scheme and a reading for pleasure book from school or home. Please make sure reading books and personal spelling books are in school everyday.  Each day, we complete daily reading where children develop their comprehension with a range of texts as well as their reading fluency.

Our English journeys are built around rich texts and heritage classics. We encourage a love of literature and for children to make connections between texts from the past and those that they read today. Using a wide range of material enables us to provide writing opportunities that include biographies, newspaper reports, persuasive letters and narratives.



Part of our PE curriculum for our Year 5 pupils is swimming. This is an exciting opportunity to develop water confidence and safety over a short block of intense sessions. We also develop children's dance and gymnastic skills as well as various invasion games.

How can I help at home?

Please continue to read regularly at home with your child.  It doesn't have to be long, little and often is best.  Remember: it can also be comics, shopping lists, postcards etc. This is especially important if you feel your child is reluctant to read - find something that captures their interests. Pop in and speak to the class teacher for ideas too.


Here are some useful websites: