Shipton Bellinger Primary School



At Shipton Bellinger, the teaching of Geography is engaging and exciting. Staff are able, through strong subject knowledge, to plan a sequence of lessons that allows pupils to make progress in both their retention of geographical knowledge and their skills as geographers. Staff’s understanding of their pupil’s prior knowledge and ongoing assessment ensures rapid progress. 

We explore how regions and countries interconnect. We develop an understanding of how decisions across the world impact others.

The Geography curriculum design is structured around the teaching of geographical concepts. This ensures that subject knowledge is broken into small, meaningful chunks before being learnt, revisited and applied in a range of contexts across key stages. Geographical concepts are revisited by pupils and staff, ensuring powerful learning links are made. We ensure that learners develop an appreciation for and understanding of real and relevant world contexts for the Geography they learn.


Geography at Shipton Bellinger Primary School

 Year 1 enjoyed exploring Shipton Bellinger as part of their local study. We found different human features, such as the church and natural features like the grass and trees. We had such a fun walk!