Acceptable Use Policy Pupils EYFS and KS1
Acceptable Use Policy Pupils KS2
Acceptable Use Policy Parents and Carers
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Staff, Governors and Volunteers
Assessment, Recording and Reporting Policy
Charging and Remissions Policy
Children with Health Needs who cannot attend school Policy
Dealing with unacceptable and aggressive adult behaviour Policy
Designated Teacher and Education of Looked After Children Policy
Drugs and Substance Misuse Policy
Educational Visits Procedures and Policy
Feedback to improve learning Policy
Freedom of Information Act Policy
Managing serial and unreasonable complaints Policy
Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy
Protected Disclosure and Whistleblowing Policy
Relationships and Sex Education Policy
Restrictive Physical Intervention Policy
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy
Suspension and Exclusion Policy
*Paper copies of the above policies can be made available on request. Some policies are subject to approval at the next Full Governing Body Meeting and are therefore in draft form.