School Timings
Morning Session
7.30am ~ 8.45am Breakfast Club
8.40am ~ 8.50am Children come gradually into class
8.50am ~ 9.00am Day starts and morning register taken
9.00am Morning register closes
10:30am ~ 11:45am Morning play KS1
10.45am ~ 11.00am Morning play KS2
12.00pm ~ 1:00pm Lunchtime
Afternoon Session
12.50pm Start to pack up things on the playground
12.55pm Whistle and line up
1.00pm Afternoon starts and register taken
3.10pm End of normal day
3.15pm ~ 5.30pm After school club (closes at 5.00pm on Fridays)
Length of school week in accordance with DfE expectation is 34.92 hours.