Shipton Bellinger Primary School

Governance at Shipton Bellinger Primary School


On behalf of the Governing Body, I would like to welcome you to our wonderful school.

Our Governing Body is made up of local people who freely volunteer their time to support this school in the excellent job it is doing for our children. We believe every child matters and are happy to be part of this school and this community, to promote the Shipton Bellinger Primary School passion to improve the life chances of all our learners.

You will find information on this website regarding the structure of our school's governance and the current priorities of our Governing Body. 

In line with our whole school ethos, we prioritise the learners in our school above all else. Everything we do as a Governing Body is underpinned with this question:

What have we done today that improves outcomes for the children at Shipton Bellinger Primary School? 


Also on the Governing Body is: Miss B Seed (Headteacher) and Jane Stewart (Clerk: Local Authority Governor)

We would love to recruit a few more Governors. If you fancy joining us, have a look at what we do and get in touch through the school office or send an email to the school . You can also use this way to let us know if you have any suggestions or queries.

We currently have a vacancy for:

1 x Co-Opted Governor

2 x Parent Governor

1 x Associate Governor

Policies and Procedures


DRAFT Monitoring Visit Schedule

Visits Policy

Written Statement of Behaviour Principles

Monitoring Timetable

Training Policy

Training Records            


Action Plan

The core functions above underpin our work across every academic year. However, for this academic year, we will be additionally focusing on the following areas:

 Detailed Action Plan here