Shipton Bellinger Primary School

PSHE and Wellbeing

PSHE (personal, social and health education) is one of the most important parts of our curriculum, here at Shipton Bellinger. Discrete PSHE sessions are covered weekly and children are taught how to understand themselves, their developing emotions and how to be part of a safe and caring community. Alongside these weekly sessions, PSHE is threaded through the curriculum, from collaborative work, debate and discussion and team building activities. All learners are also able to access ELSA (emotional literacy support) and Thrive practices. 

We believe passionately that, without being able to understand ourselves and our emotions, children are unable to be effective learners. Wellbeing activities, where children are taught calming techniques, mindfulness and meditation, ensure that learners at Shipton Bellinger are supported, nurtured and enabled to be confident, happy members of our school community.


We use Coram Life SCARF to support the teaching of PSHE at Shipton Bellinger. They also visit the school each year to offer all children interactive workshops.

Further information to support at home can be found on their website or by following this link:

Information about our PSHE Curriculum

  Our 2023-2024 3Is for PSHE                      RSE Policy


 SCARF Progression Documents

SCARF Progression Valuing Difference

SCARF Progression Me and My Relationships

SCARF Progression Rights and Responsibilities

SCARF Progression Growing and Changing

SCARF Progression Keeping myself Safe

SCARF Progression Being my Best


PSHE at Shipton Bellinger Primary School

Keep checking back throughout the year to see photos and comments about our developing curriculum.