Shipton Bellinger Primary School



Librarian - Mrs R Atkinson

Wish List

We have introduced a wish list. This is inside the library so children can write down any books they feel it may be good to have in the library. We will then periodically review and make attempts to source.

Issuing and returning Books

To manage the library we use a system called Libresoft.

The school appreciates the prompt return of any books borrowed. Books can be loaned for a period up to 14 days (2 weeks), though can be shorter or longer if needed. Children can borrow up to 2 books, either fiction or non-fiction. Books which remain overdue will prevent the issuing of further books until they returned or replaced. Books which are not returned with 14 days will start the overdue book process.  

School Library Service

Shipton Bellinger Primary School subscribes to Hampshire Schools Library Service (SLS). As part of this, a `Book Exchange` of two hundred books, takes place twice a year, which replenishes and updates our library stock.  

The SLS subscription also offers advisory services, which includes a stock audit. This ensures the library has a well-balanced, up-to-date selection of stock which is suited to the needs of the children and school community.

Many additional books have been obtained through the donation from parents, pupils and teachers as well as from monies donated by Friends Of Shipton, as well as regular book fairs held in the school. 

Book donations

The library welcomes the donation of books, in good condition and appropriate  content to include in the library. Please refer to the wish list outside the library to get an ideas of the reading material the children are keen to see in the library.




e-Books - Click here to sign and loan e-Books.