Shipton Bellinger Primary School

Emergency Closure Procedure



In the event of snow/ice we will aim to clear a single route in the playground (sign posted where the ground may be icy), possibility entering the school buildings from different doors.



When we have had snow in the past, the communication system has worked pretty well. The following is a reminder of the procedure.


1)  Hampshire County Council website will update with the latest news across the area. Click here ...

2)  Our Website: Where possible, we will add messages to our own website updating everyone. Click here....

3)  Parents2Teachers: We will send out a text message. Obviously if the snow is widespread there are many thousands of schools using the same network so it can take longer than usual for message to get through. If you have not registered for this service but would like to do so then please contact the office.

4)  Telephone: Where possible a message will be left on the school phone as soon as possible, however, with limited lines available the websites should be the first place to check.

5)  Spire FM (102fm) / Garrison FM / Heart (102.9fm) / Berkshire/Heart (97.0fm) / The Breeze - Andover (106.4fm) will add to their website a list of schools that are closed (or partially closed). They usually do this very quickly.


However, it is important to note that parents must consider their own local conditions and only travel if it is safe to do so even if the school intends to open. We will always try to take a decision as early as possible and would hope to inform you by 7.30 in the morning if we are forced to close.

If we are open but have to close during the day, then we will also let the above radio stations know so it would be helpful if you could keep an ear open to the radio if possible during bad weather and we will of course begin to text or ring contact numbers once the decision to close is made. If we have been closed and then re-open, we will put that information out on those radio stations from the above list (who will accept re-opening messages at the time). The Hampshire County Council website should also list schools who are re-opening. We will also update via our website and the text messaging system.